Executive Committee
George Hightower, MD, PhD
Dorothy Tamayo-Murillo, MD
Associate Director
Noah Choi
Programs Lead
Head of Web Design
Kaitlyn Lew
Project Manager
Ann Nguyen
Communications Coordinator
Sawye Raygani
Advisory Board Liaison
Ritvik Illindala
Program Content Manager
Savannah Fakhouri
Narrative Medicine and Ethics Lead
Abigail Urbina
Exploring Ethics Forum Coordinator
Safia Hassan
Action Forward Lead
Katie Lock
Projects Quality Assurance
Khando Thoulutsang
Undergraduate Student Engagement Lead
Nicollette Pepin
Post Baccalaureate Engagement Lead
Rithik Kumar
Stakeholder Liaison
Advisory Board
John H. Evans, PhD
Tata Chancellor’s Chair in Social Sciences, UC San Diego
Associate Dean of Social Sciences, UC San Diego
Co-director of the Institute for Practical Ethics
Kim Kamdar, PhD
Chair of the board of directors of Aspen Neuroscience
Co-founder and Chair of Seraphina Therapeutics and Truvian Sciences
Joe Panetta MPH
President and CEO - Biocom
Stephanie A. Rico, PhD
Science Educator
Jeffrey Roberts, PhD
Dean of College of Sciences at San Diego State University
Sandra A. Sgoutas-Emch, PhD
Professor of Psychological Sciences, University of San Diego
Director of the Center for Educational Excellence, University of San Diego
Alberto Vasquez, PhD
Academic Coordinator, Center for Research in Educational Equity and Teaching (CREATE)
Rebekah Yohe-Lawrence
Former Ethics Center Executive Board Member